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Intellectual property management

IP management plan

In 2019, Jia Wei acquired an American company with strengths in brand image, design patents, and international channels, and we plan to strengthen brand management and to strategically plan vertical  integration across the industry through innovative houseware products so as to enhance our international competitiveness. To strengthen our industry leadership position and to maintain our hard-won technical results, Jia Wei has formulated intellectual property strategies that are aligned with our operational objectives and R&D resources, and built an operational model that aims to create value via IP rights. Besides securing our operations, these efforts will also help to strengthen our competitive edge and profitability.

Patent protection measures

The beginning phase of our IP management strategies is focused on increasing the number of patent applications, and the middle phase aims to protect our IP rights. To formulate a strong IP rights mix, Jia Wei has established an IP team under the supervision of the President's Office and is directly managed by the President, with the goal of encouraging innovation and continuing to inspire employees to propose discoveries, new models, and design applications. For graphic design, the team also arranges professional training and overseas houseware expos for designers to help them understand domestic and foreign fashion trends. Externally, Jia Wei closely communicates with patent competent authorities in both local and foreign major markets.

To protect our rights, in case of possible domestic or overseas IP infringement, Jia Wei's legal and IP department will work with domestic or foreign patent attorneys to impose strong measures including warnings and discontinuing the product in question.

Trade secret protection

Trade secrets are related to a company's technological leadership and competitive strengths. Confidentiality clauses are instigated in employment contracts during recruitment of any employee in a related design department.

Implementation status

Jia Wei regularly submits matters related to intellectual property to the Board of Directors meeting in each year.  

The matters related to intellectual property for 2023 was reported to the board of directors on Jan. 15, 2024.

Patent execution

  1. Currently, Jia Wei owns 71 effective patents worldwide and has 14 patents pending.
  2. Jia Wei has discovered several infringement cases in United States, Taiwan and China, and which have been discontinued after warning letters have been issued.
  3. Currently, Jia Wei has collaborations which are to research and develop proprietary technologies of environmental protection with research institutes and companies at home and abroad.

Trade mark execution

  1. Currently, Jia Wei owns 70 effective trademarks worldwide and has 4 trademarks pending.

Acquirement of Certification

To take on the challenges of the increasingly fierce competition in the global market, the intellectual property rights have an important value and play a key role to the survival of an enterprise. The Company plans to appoint additional dedicated personnel for the intellectual property management unit according to the business operation, and implements the Taiwan Intellectual Property Management System (TIPS).
