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Jia Wei Lifestyle seeking sustainable development. It has created a transparent and effective versatile communication channel with its stakeholders to understand their demands and expectations. Through the response and practice of related units, Jia Wei has created a positive development on its interactions with stakeholders. Jia Wei treats this as an important reference on stipulating its corporate social responsibility policies and management to create a mutual profitable and win-win relationship.

The communication and response with stakeholders for 2023 was reported to the board of directors on Jan. 15, 2024.

Communication and Response with Stakeholders

Stakeholder Agendas Communication channel Frequency
  • Abiding Laws
  • Corporate Governance
  • Information Disclosure
  • Authority Communication
  • Topic meetings held by authorities – such as explanation meetings, advocacy meetings.
  • Promote corporate governance and corporate governance assessment operations accordingly.
  • Disclose related information according to law on public information observation station, enterprise website and annual reports.
  • Establish dedicated contact person to maintain positive interaction with authorities.
  • Official document exchange and visits.
  • Held an investor conference in 2022.
  • Irregularly
  • Immediately/ Every year
  • Immediately/ Every year
  • Immediately
  • Irregularly
  • At least once a year
  • Employee Welfare
  • Improving Business Performance and Strategy
  • Strengthening Environment Safety and Hygiene Management
  • Perfecting Employee Career Plan
  • Labor–employer Relation
  • Irregularly announces employee welfare issues (such as health examination), Welfare Committee information, information of education & training courses, annual performance management operation and other information by e-mail.
  • 2022 Distributing Employee Salary.
  • Seasonal labor–employer meetings were held four times in 2022.
  • Gathering employee opinions through opinion mailbox.
  • Irregularly (immediately)
  • Every 6 months
  • Quarterly
  • Irregularly (immediately)
  • Innovative Products and Services
  • Customer Management
  • E-mail and Telephone Contact.
  • The business team is close to customers to provide service.
  • Online Showroom.
  • Taking Part in Houseware Exhibitions.
  • Assembles business management and operation meetings to establish customer communication mechanism.
  • Immediately
  • Immediately
  • Immediately
  • Annually in general, subject to the epidemic situation.
  • Every two weeks
  • Honest Management
  • Product Quality
  • Supplier Management
  • The company uses a win-win strategy that is to keep payment terms which are immediate and even better than the industry to obtain the competitive advantage on price in bulk raw materials for suppliers.
  • Among our top 10 suppliers, 10 of them signed Paper of Guarantee on Corporate Social Responsibility. 
  • Establish dedicated contact person to maintain positive interaction with suppliers.
  • Irregularly (immediately)
  • Business Performance
  • Sustainable Development Strategy
  • Risk Management
  • Shareholder Participation
  • Announces important information in real-time and declarations according to law, such as board of directors resolutions, business performance, and other information investors care about.
  • Hold shareholders’ meeting and publish annual report in Chinese and English.
  • Hold Investor conference.
  • Establish investor relation contact person for mutual communication.
  • Receives domestic and oversea legal people and analysts.
  • Cash Dividend.
  • Immediately
  • At least once a year
  • At least once a year
  • Immediately
  • Irregularly
  • Every 6 months
  • Risk Management
  • Business Performance
  • Abiding Laws
  • Innovative Products and Services
  • Corporate Governance
  • Sustainable Development Strategy
  • A dedicated department keeps close contact with the banks for the application for the limits needed for operation and other related affairs.
  • Provide the company financial information on a regular basis.
  • Arrange factory visits for twoway communication with the management team.
  • Immediately
  • Quarterly
  • Irregularly
Community and NGO
  • Community Communication
  • Funds and Materials Donated
  • Charity and Public Welfare Activities
  • Caring about social culture, enhancing civil quality, and fulfilling our social responsibility. Supporting and donating materials to children’s welfare institutions.
  • The first Sustainability Report in Chinese and English.
  • Monthly
  • Every year

Shared prosperity

Jia Wei Lifestyle is headquartered in the prime district of Taipei, with a branch office in Tainan. As the Tainan office is situated in the suburbs (Yijia Village, Rende District), the Company is highly aware of the impact that urban-rural gap has on business operations, employees, and the local community. Hence, in addition to offering job opportunities to local residents, when resources allow , the Company aims to expand our reach to even more remote areas for shared prosperity.

The youth represent the future of the nation and are the driving force behind the development of local communities, society, and the country. To promote art and cultural events and encourage rural culture revitalization, Jia Wei Lifestyle participated in the Ministry of Culture's "Culture Points" initiative. We provided an additional 500 points to 581 students at National Houbi Senior High School who were attending a remote school in Tainan and eligible for the Culture Points program. This contribution aims to ensure that educational resources in remote Tainan schools do not lag behind, helping to bridge the resource gap between urban and rural areas. It also allows students in these areas to access and freely choose from a wide range of cultural and art activities, enhancing cultural exposure, broadening their perspectives, and strengthening the cultural foundations of the nation. In 2024, our total sponsorship amounted to NT$290,500.

Contact Person


Kelly Ko

Tel: 886-2-7733-5368

Deputy Spokesperson / Investor Relation

Lori Lin
Corporate Governance Officer

Tel: 886-2-77335368#116

Customer Zone

Danny Cheng
Vice President of Sales

Tel: 886-2-7233-5368

Supplier Zone

Freya Chiang
Senior Expert Officer

Tel: 886-2-7233-5368#129

Employee Zone

MF, Huang

Assistant Manager of Administration Department

Tel: 886-2-7733-5368#128
